Happy Days Pre-Primary is an independent, ISASA registered school. All ISASA (Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa) based schools have to be IQAA (Independent Quality Assurance Agency) accredited. Our school is based in the leafy suburb of Kloof, catering for children from 12 months to Grade R.
Happy Days was founded in 1997 by Moira Ford and Pat McKay. It is based on the simple belief that children learn best when they are happy. With a focus on individual attention in a nurturing environment, we pride ourselves on our small classes that never exceed more than 12 pupils in the junior groups and 14 in the senior groups.
With a child-centred approach to education, by balancing the importance of knowledge with the eagerness of a child to learn, Happy Days uses the National Curriculum whilst incorporating the Montessori Method for optimum learning. A Montessori education enables learning to be exciting for the child, and thus develops enthusiasm and a life-long love for learning.
Happy Days adopts a holistic approach to education. All the areas of the child’s development are valued. Each day includes outdoor play, interactive learning with Montessori, Audiblox, an Interactive Smart Board, Listening Skills, Music, Busyballers and stimulating play periods. We also provide extra curricular activities which include Pottery and Little Kitchen.